No Commissions and A Termination


I am starting to feel I have embarked on the wrong track… At least in my career. It seems that every 2-3 years in the sales industry, especially the food and supplement sector, that it’s a short life span. The awkward coincidence… I suppose we can call it that… But in reality it seems to be a bait n’ switch tactic from those in power within the industry… That after you help them increase territory sales, boost the region, because you’re so full of life and vigor and the need to prove your worth – you are then let go. What is the coincidence? Or the Bait N’ switch? It’s that these terminations or act of letting go, usually come around or near the time where the promised commissions are becoming due. Odd… Right? Its been 7 years of this, and this COINCIDENCE is no longer feeling like a coincidence but a common practice.

So… Maybe it’s time to leave the SALES arena, especially within the Food and Supplements industry, because I don’t like being promised the world, work hard for that dream, only to have to be terminated with no real justification. And remember, IT IS NEVER TOO LATE to CHANGE what you do, and WHO YOU ARE!


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