Let The Damn Mondays Begin...

Coffee may be served in a variety of ways, Bro…


I love sarcasm, I love a good joke, heck I am even confident enough to poke fun at myself. BUT, and there is a big BUT… Don’t clown me when something effed up happens. I chose a local bagel shop to get my coffee versus the overpriced cop-of-joe at Starbucks. Today is D-DAY, the ball drops in less than 12 hours and I’m scrambling around in my new outfit ready for tonight’s...

When your contractor is missing -_-


God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;  courage to change the things I can;  and wisdom to know the difference. It seems that we live in a world where good contractors and mechanics are hard to come by; almost as though they are a mythic creature, similar to the likes of Nessie, Bigfoot or Unicorns. There’s nothing more insulting than feeling vulnerable, because you...

A Poem Dedicated to Toothache.


Oh tooth, dear tooth of mine. Let me not offend thee by calling you any ol’ tooth and single you out for the major big punk that you are – molar, oh yes, MOLAR! How can thou offend me with such horrid pain, when all I have done in life is splendor thee in all of life’s delights. How can thee twist and turn the blade of pain, and make me buckle down to my knees?… All is well...


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