Damn you Covid-19… Damn you to hell!!!


It’s my right, and it is my choice if I want to wear a mask or not! If I get the virus, that is on me, and my problem… I am an American, I have rights!!!

This is an actual quote, from a Floridian, and this sentiment has been expressed everywhere from the south, to the north to all the major cities… AND it is through that IGNORANCE that had us go from 50 cases in early March 2020 to 19.2 MILLION cases TODAY, only 9 months later…

You see, what I am trying to convey here is sheer ignorance. It is through this ignorance and living in oblivion that has made the U.S. alone sky rocket to a steady course towards 20 million cases by the time 2020 ends. Like how RETARDED IS THAT!??? Yeah yeah yeah, and before your pansy politically correct stuffy ass delves into my use of the word retarded, it’s because of that cherry picking, and stupidity and penchant to NOT OFFEND, that we are in the situation we are in.

As a nation Men have become de-masculinated; Black people have become villainized for standing up for their rights; Transexuals are being forced down our throats in all forms of media; and a global virus has been made into a conspiracy where the ignoramuses and paranoid have declared this a conspiracy where this is just a ploy to control private citizens by slipping a chip via the nasal swab…

The above are rants and sentiments that are exaggerated, well minus the conspiracy theories — those are pretty much verbatim. But my point here is that we are living during a time when we have a cartoon president that has put us in a continental rift of a divide, and has done more to disrupt our democracy during his lame duck period, than any other president prior to him. We are living in some god awful times, and it has all the makings of a catastrophic Bruce Willis movie… But the sad truth is that this is not a script it is REAL LIFE!

Did China do this on purpose? Was it accidental?? Was it an act of war??? I dunno, and no one seems to know… But one thing is clear – this is not the result of a wet market, but the results of a man-made virus that has made its way into our world. Could have this been avoided? Maybe… Could we do better as a society to quell this? YES! That is a firm yes, and the problem is that we haven’t been able to squash this virus, because of all of the aforementioned… We are so split, and so divided, and so ass-backwards that our selfish and left-field agendas wont let us remedy the problem.

SO where are we today? What stupid risk-taking, corona virus induced fatigue action, have you taken today??? Because let’s face it… YOU ARE STUPID AND SELFISH, that’s right, YOU, you effin corn-hole, it’s YOU who is spreading this stupid engineered virus… With each visit to the Mall; with each family reunion; with your stupid job you don’t really need or want; with your stupid selfish need to still date and bang one out; with your need to escape your home and family; with the ridiculous need to still go to a bar or worse yet – A CLUB / LOUNGE! You’re the ASSHOLE that is spreading this virus everytime you choose to not wear a mask, and everytime you don’t socially distance, or wash your hands… It is you, the asshole that still craves to eat at a restaurant which you know is not abiding by the 25% capacity, with your family of 10+ — Yeah, YOU, the asshole…

… DAMN MONDAYS! Today and every Damn Monday until this bullshit virus goes away…

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