Nice Weather = Loud Music!


They say April showers bring May flowers, but so far this weather has been a bi-polar climate change cluster f*ck! Besides the weather being all over the place, on days when the sun is out and the weather is cooperating, nice weather welcomes the obnoxious douche bag to come out from hibernation and bless us with their loud music and noises.

What is it about the nice weather that causes my fellow humans to feel prompted to turn up the volume in their car? I really don’t want my beautiful day and stroll, where I enjoy the birds chirping, the cool breeze, and rustling of leaves, to be interrupted by the stranger that zips through my neighborhood blasting mumble rap, shitty bubble gum country music, or worst yet, reggaeton. Oh lord! Anything but reggaeton!!!

And if that’s not enough, the fat hogs of the automotive world, decide to unleash their fat hogs… Their Harleys. Ohhhhh, nothing says the nice weather is here like the roaring of a Harley Davidson. But if that’s not enough, let’s welcome the biker boyzzzz…. Ahhhhh yes! The zipping, the whining of those annoying Japanese brand motorcycles, the hordes of them invading quiet streets and creating traffic —- I can’t say how the sounds of these neon painted motorcycles bring joy to my life…. NOT!

In the end, such is life, and I suppose this is what we get when we live in a diverse and full world. What can you do?…..


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